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Перевод Примеры
Дай ему только достаточно верёвки, и он повесится // Дай дурному человеку ВОЗМОЖНОСТЬ делать всё, ЧТО ОН ХОЧеТ,­ И он обязательно наделает дел, за которые ему придётся расплачиваться.

"Уou cannot take proceedings against him without inflicting enormous darnage on Nicholas and yourself. The publicity alone ... it's unthinkable." "Something must Ье done. " In а tone of теnасе, Brande Ьit out his words, his head sunk deep in his shoulders. "Then Ье patient. If you give а feПow of that type enough rope, he's sure to hang himself." (Cronin)

"lf I judged them, I'd give them short shrift !" cried Moore ; "but I mean to let them quite alone this bout, to give them rope enough, certain that in the end thеу will hang themselves." ( Ch. Вrontё)

The result was unfortunate. Donald's success so far with the staff of Middleton's, due to factors of which he had no compensation-desire Ьу some to curry favour with RoЬin, determination Ьу others to let him hаvе а rope and hang himself-had removed his doubts about his ability to deal with people. ( Wilson)

I could arrest him at once but I'm afraid that if I do, he'll shut up like а clam and that will end it. Не doesn't know we're wise to him, so I'm going to put this letter back where we found it and give him а little more rope. The Sergeant here has agreed to keep an еуе on him, and I rely on you, too, Mr. Kirk, to see that he doesn't get away. (Вiggers)